The second monitoring campaign in educational centres comes to an end
Sep 29, 2022
The GRIC research group has concluded the summer monitoring campaign and is now preparing for the winter monitoring campaign.
Good indoor air quality contributes to preventing the transmission of infectious diseases. However, excessive ventilation leads to an increase in energy consumption for air conditioning that could be considered unnecessary. For this reason, the IAQ4EDU project aims to optimise ventilation strategies in educational centres. The second monitoring campaign has been completed this September.
The summer monitoring campaign has taken place during the months of June and September and, in total, 32 classrooms have been monitored. The educational centres participating in the project are spread throughout the Catalan territory in order to cover the main climate zones: Barcelona (Escola Joaquim Ruyra, Escola Joan Coret, Escola Soler de Vilardell, Institut Escola Frederic Mistral, Institut Escola Turó d’en Caritg and Institut Can Record), Tarragona (Escola Montoliu, Escola Marinada, Institut Cambrils and Institut Roseta Mauri), Lleida (Escola Pompeu Fabra, Escola Francesco Tonucci, Institut Joan Solà and Institut Joan Oró) and Girona (Escola Alfons I and Institut Pere Borrell).
The next, and last, monitoring campaign will be carried out in December and January with the aim of gathering information on thermal comfort and indoor air quality in the coldest months. Once this stage has been completed, the acquired data will be analysed in order to propose, among other things, an operational guide to help educational community members adopt optimal ventilation strategies that ensure good air quality, maximise thermal comfort and promote energy savings.
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