The PhD student from the IAQ4EDU project awarded with a Doctoral Thesis Grant
Jul 08, 2024
The College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia has awarded Juan Tugores' thesis proposal with the 2024 Doctoral Thesis Grant
The IAQ4EDU project team celebrates that their PhD student Juan Tugores has been awarded the 2024 Doctoral Thesis Grant from the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia, with financial support from the Caixa d'Enginyers Foundation. The grant, which provides financial support for the completion of a doctoral thesis in the field of engineering, is endowed with an amount of 10,000€.
This grant is a recognition of his work carried out within his thesis titled "Indoor Air Quality Modelling in Educational Buildings," under the supervision of Dr. Marcel Macarulla and Prof. Marta Gangolells.
The grant award ceremony took place on July 2, 2024, in the Auditorium of the Liceu Conservatory.
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