The IAQ4EDU project has developed a novel predictive model which enhances energy efficiency and comfort in schools

Jul 09, 2024

The model has been published in the Energy Reports Journal

The IAQ4EDU project developed a novel Model Predictive Control (MPC) system designed to optimize indoor air quality and energy consumption in service sector buildings, such as schools. The results have been published in the JCR journal "Energy Reports" under the title "Model Predictive Control for Managing Indoor Air Quality Levels in Buildings." This work was conducted by Dr. Joan Tarragona with the support of the Prof. Marta Gangolells and Prof. Miquel Casals.

This study introduces an MPC that uniquely integrates solar electricity production, variable grid electricity prices, occupancy levels, and weather profiles. This comprehensive approach aims to balance occupants' comfort with minimal energy consumption and operational costs. Key findings from the research demonstrated that the MPC system could achieve economic savings of up to 15% compared to traditional binary control systems, especially when maintaining indoor CO₂ concentrations below 750 ppm. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that the ideal prediction horizon for ventilation operations is 12 hours, achieving maximum efficiency and cost reduction.

Simulation with a heterogeneous occupancy profile and a CO2 concentration límit of 1200 ppm.

More details on this study can be found in the online version of the article:

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