The IAQ4EDU project is going to take part in the 3rd Air Quality Congress
Sep 13, 2023
Presentation about the IAQ4EDU project at the 3rd Air Quality Congress in Sabadell
The 3rd Air Quality Congress, which will be held in Sabadell on October 26th and 27th, is a benchmark biennial event at state level. This year, the indoor air quality panel (scheduled for Thursday, October 26th at 4:30 p.m.) will be moderated by Dra. Marta Gangolells, professor at the Technical University of Catalonia and will have the presence of:
- Dr. Pablo Pujadas, associate professor at the Technical University of Catalonia, who will present the IAQ4EDU project
- Dr. Mireia Gascón, ISGlobal researcher, who will talk about the Escoles Sentinella project
- Dr. Tica San Félix Forner, senior researcher in the Sustainability Area of the Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica, who will talk about the Life Nanohealth project
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